3 Tips for Supporting Student Success

As we take baby steps back to normalcy, one of the first concerns we chat with fellow parents about is how to catch kids up on what they potentially missed during at home/hybrid schooling. They want to know how to support their kids now, no matter what grade level…and how to make up for any ground that was lost. As former teachers, we have a few ideas that we are trying ourselves and hope they might help you too.
- Consistent Communication: Schoology is a web based learning management system that brings together all stakeholders of your child’s education. It’s a simple and quick way to stay connected to your child’s progress in the classroom. It helps you support your child by checking in on their work, helping them to stay on track and identifying any missing assignments, and tracing grades. Schoology allows you to support the classroom teacher…at home. If Schoology is not used at your child’s school, ask the teacher what the best way to stay connected is, because teamwork with your child’s teacher is crucial to student success!
- Develop Time Management Skills: As adults we know how hard it is to stay focused as we multi- task throughout our day. Time blocking is a skill that helps adults..as well as kids! Depending on the age of your child, an after school schedule may look something like this:
- 3-4:30 Snack, Chores, Homework
- 4:30-6 Practices/Lessons/Sports, etc.
- 6–7 Dinner/Family Time
- 7-8 Screens…chill out time!
- 8-9 Always set aside time to read…grownups too!!
- Create Connection: One thing COVID stole from us all was time. Time with our family and friends, making new connections and maintaining old ones. This is so important for our mental health. Setting up an occasional playdate, getting your child signed up for a sport, music or art goes a long way. Make sure they have that time to connect with others to build social skills, interact with peers and find new passions they maybe never knew they had! Even if it’s once a week, it’s worth the extra effort to provide your child with opportunities to connect, which raises spirits, diminishes anxiety, and encourages relationships.

Robyn Anniccchero
Longtime Livermore local, mom of 3, wife to Marc, loves horseback riding and watching the Dubs play, and is a full-time Realtor passionate about helping her clients love where they live, even more.