Livermore Inspiration: Kate Mackinnon
One month from today our community will welcome Scarlett Lewis as she visits us and inspires us to CHOOSE LOVE. So as we lead up to this incredible kickoff in our school district, as well as at a community event at the Bankhead…..we would like to introduce you to some inspirational people that are choosing LOVE everyday here in Livermore.
Please meet Kate Mackinnon, an author, speaker, educator, and talented physical therapist and craniosacral therapist. You may already know Kate or have even been touched by her healing hands. If not, you will love to hear her story and how she met Scarlett Lewis.
*Learn more about Kate:
**Get your FREE tickets for “Choosing LOVE for Livermore” at the Bankhead on August 16th at 7:30pm.
PS- We would LOVE to hear what choosing love looks like to you? Share with us and comment below.